Ophthalmology is a medical specialty that focuses on the health of the eyes. The anatomy, physiology, and disorders that can impact the eye are all covered. Ophthalmology has traditionally covered all elements of visual function, both in health and in illness.

An ophthalmologist is a physician who specialises in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of eye diseases. Ophthalmologists have training in both surgical treatments and pharmacological interventions. Refraction, orthoptics, binocular vision, and strabismus are all aspects of visual function that an ophthalmologist may investigate during a medical examination to determine a diagnosis.

Moderate-to-severe eye disease diagnosis and monitoring

Infections or obstructions in the tear ducts that are chronic or severe

cataract removal

Other problems, such as diabetic retinopathy or immunological disorders, may require monitoring or consultation.

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Internal medicine, often known as general internal medicine, is a medical speciality that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses of the internal organs. 


Dr. Ajay Y H


Dr. Sangeetha