A nerve conduction study (NCS), also known as a nerve conduction velocity study (NCV), is a test that determines how quickly an electrical impulse passes through your nerve. During the test, electrode patches linked to your skin stimulate your nerve. A nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test, also known as a nerve conduction study (NCS), determines the speed at which an electrical impulse passes through your nerve. Nerve injury can be detected using NCV.

Your nerve is stimulated during the test, usually using electrode patches connected to your skin. Two electrodes are inserted on your nerve’s skin. The one electrode sends a very weak electrical impulse to your nerve, while the other electrode records it. Another electrode records the electrical activity that results. This is done for each nerve that is being evaluated.Clinical neurophysiologists, physical therapists, chiropractors, physiatrists (physicians who specialise in physical medicine and rehabilitation), and neurologists who specialise in electrodiagnostic medicine may do these tests.

Motor NCS

Mixed NCS

Sensory NCS

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Internal medicine, often known as general internal medicine, is a medical speciality that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses of the internal organs.